Monday, July 13, 2015

Good Skin is crucial step for that glow from within.

Many (i reckon) that wants their skin to be glowing from within that is what we call as radiant. But, many misunderstood that glowing skin can be achieve with makeups and highlighters. So, they go out, say hi to the world with lines on their face.

If u ok with it im good.

Do whatever that makes u happy.

Maybe, makeup products can fake it a little but tell me how long it can last without the makeup breaks until your skin looks too oily and look not flattering.

Although slap of highlighters can make u look like glowing; little that they know that it does not look as good in person. At this point, correct me if im wrong.

Tell me how many person find it flattering in real life?

Okay enough pointing out.

Let me tell u something. U can get glowing skin too but it takes time and u have to get used to with no makeup routine. It is a big step. It is.

Here are my tips, that I have tried it myself; believe me or not, I was once had acne (really ugly acne) at that time I was a teenager and it wasnt the glorious moment of my life, I was self conscious ( i really hate my face to the measure that i took a sand paper to smooth my skin, yes, to that extend - I didnt get smooth skin after, but bleeding face). So trust me, when I say I know how it feels like to not feel good under your own skin.

  1. Drink alot of water 3 litres at least. Seriously it doesnt matter how many times u go to the toilet, for heaven sake it is flushing out the toxins in your body. In one week plus- depends on your body, u can see the difference.
  2. Skin doesnt look good if u dont EAT UNDER MODERATION. Drink plenty of water and eat healthily is a perfect combo (healthily doesnt mean that u have to ditch all your sweet cravings or salty or oily- I am asian I eat rice everyday! and our nature of food is oily mostly. I did highlight under moderation...didnt I?)
  3. Moisturize your skin. But in my case I use aloe vera. everyday YES or u dont have any aloe vera, u can always go to your standard moisturizer and slap that thing on.
here is myself without makeup.